Cupido lorquinii

(Herrich-Schäffer, 1847)

Lorquin's Blue

Lorquin's Blue prefers open, flower-rich scrub. The female lays her eggs on the sepals of Kidney-vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria), and when the caterpillar hatches out, it bores a hole in the calyx through which it feeds on the young fruits and ripening seeds. When the caterpillars are feeding or at rest, they position themselves lengthways on the red-flecked sepals of the food plant, well camouflaged, their colours matching those of their surroundings. They are attended regularly by ants.
Lorquin's Blue has one generation a year, and passes the winter as a chrysalis.

Heath and shrub
Sclerophyllous scrub

Similar species:
Cupido minimus
Cupido osiris
Cupido argiades
Celastrina argiolus