(Boisduval, 1828)
Black-eyed Blue
The Black-eyed Blue occurs in open shrub, or open woodland, especially where Genista or large bushes of broom (Cytisus spp.) are growing.
Eggs are laid on the flowers of various leguminous plants, such as Dorycnium spp., birdsfoot-trefoils (Lotus spp.), Anthyllis spp., brooms (Cytisus spp.) and Genista spp.. The caterpillars feed on the flowers and are attended by ants. The Black-eyed Blue hibernates in the pupal stage.
It usually has one generation a year, although in Spain, sometimes two.
Heath and shrub
Sclerophyllous scrub
Deciduous forests
Similar species:
Glaucopsyche paphos
Glaucopsyche alexis