(Maygen, 1829)
Northern Chequered Skipper
The Northern Chequered Skipper can be found flying on the damp, flower-rich grass of woodland rides. They can often be seen drinking nectar from various speedwells (Veronica spp.).
The eggs are laid on various coarse-leaved grasses. The caterpillar lives in a shelter spun from a blade of grass. In the last larval instar, the caterpillar makes a shelter from withered leaves in which it hibernates. The pale-yellow chrysalis is suspended in a silken girdle in the vegetation. It pupates in the spring.
The Northern Chequered Skipper is single-brooded.
Mixed woodland
Coniferous woodland
Alluvial and very wet forest
Deciduous forests
Similar species:
Heteropterus morpheus
Carterocephalus palaemon