Erebia manto

(Denis and Schiffermüller, 1775)

Yellow-spotted Ringlet

The Yellow-spotted Ringlet is a species of cool and cold conditions. Above the tree-line it occurs on open mountain meadows, and below it inhabits damp, flower-rich grasslands and woodland glades.
The female deposits her eggs one at a time on the blades of various grasses, such as fescues (Festuca spp.) and cat's-tails (Phleum spp.). It hibernates twice, the first time as an egg or a tiny caterpillar, without having fed at all. During the next summer, the caterpillar develops as far as the penultimate stage and then hibernates again. It pupates in the following summer.

Alpine grasslands
Heath and shrub

Similar species:
Erebia eriphyle
Erebia epiphron
Erebia melampus
Erebia pharte