(Fabricius, 1793)
Mediterranean Skipper
Like the Pigmy Skipper (G. pumilio)), the Mediterranean Skipper can be found in rocky or stony places, such as dried-up riverbeds, on dry, grassy vegetation or in thickets, and low scrub along the coast. The males defend their territory perched on a stone or on the ground, returning to the same spot if disturbed. These butterflies fly fast and close to the ground.
The caterpillars feed on grasses, probably Annual Meadow-grass (Poa annua), Quaking Grass (Briza media), and the False-brome (Brachypodium retusum).
It has one to three generations a year. There are far fewer butterflies in the spring than in the summer or autumn.
Dry calcareous grasslands
Phrygana vegetation
Sclerophyllous scrub
Similar species:
Gegenes pumilio
Borbo borbonica