Zegris eupheme

(Esper, 1804)

Sooty Orange-tip

The Sooty Orange-tip is mostly seen in dry, flower-rich places, waste ground, and abandoned agricultural land. Crucifers, such as London Rocket (Sisymbrium irio), the buckler mustard Biscutella auriculata, Hoary Mustard (Hirschfeldia incana), and radishes (Raphanus spp.), are usually abundant in its habitat. They are used by the butterflies for their nectar and as larval food plants. The butterflies have a quick, zigzagging flight.
The Sooty Orange-tip hibernates as a chrysalis. This pupal stage may last for one, two, or three years.

Fallow land and waste places
Dry siliceous grasslands
Dry calcareous grasslands

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