(Hirschke, 1904)
Mountain Alcon Blue
The Mountain Alcon Blue looks very like the Alcon Blue (M. alcon), but it usually occurs in a very different habitat, namely dry grasslands and sub-alpine calcareous grasslands. However, a few populations are known from damp locations.
The small, white eggs are laid on the flowers, sepals and leaves of the Cross Gentian (Gentiana cruciata) and are easy to find.
The caterpillar feeds on the food plant for several weeks, leaving it in the last instar. It passes this stage as a parasite in the nest of Myrmica schencki or Myrmica sabuleti. In the south of the range, it also parasitizes on M. sulcinodis, being fed by worker ants, and also eating ant grubs. Hibernation and pupation take place in the nest.
Alpine grasslands
Dry siliceous grasslands
Dry calcareous grasslands
Similar species:
Maculinea arion
Maculinea teleius
Maculinea nausithous
Maculinea alcon