Erebia montana

(Prunner, 1798)

Marbled Ringlet

The Marbled Ringlet is mainly found on warm, rocky slopes with patches of grassy vegetation in flower-rich grasslands, and occasionally in woods, for the most part on limestone. When the butterflies settle on stones or on the ground with their wings closed, they are hardly noticeable. However, they can be seen visiting flowers, which they do regularly.
The caterpillars hibernate in the first larval instar and in the spring begin feeding on fescues (Festuca spp.), or on Mat-grass (Nardus stricta). The caterpillars have been found on the larger tussocks growing in the shelter of rocks. They pupate in June or July.

Alpine grasslands
Inland cliffs and exposed rocks

Similar species:
Erebia aethiops
Erebia pronoe