(Trimen, 1862)
African Grass Blue
The African Grass Blue is a modest little blue, that flies close to the ground. It is a species of dry grassland, road verges, waste ground, and gardens, but sometimes butterflies are found in damp, shady places. Various medicks, are used as food plant, such as Lucerne (Medicago sativa), Tree Medick (M. arborea), Small Medick (M. minima), Black Medick (M. lupulin), and possibly various Oxalis species.
The African Grass Blue has two or more generations a year, but passes the winter as a caterpillar. There are only a few butterflies in the first generation.
Fallow land and waste places
Dry siliceous grasslands
Dry calcareous grasslands
Urban parks and gardens
Similar species:
Cupido minimus
Cupido lorquinii