Pyrgus serratulae

(Rambur, 1839)

Olive Skipper

The Olive Skipper occurs in areas that do not become too hot in the summer, on poor to rough, flower-rich grasslands, which are either open or surrounded by woodland. The butterfly of the Olive Skipper is quite mobile, and may be seen in unexpected places.
The eggs are deposited on the underside of the leaves of cinquefoils (Potentilla spp.), and master-worts (Astrantia spp.). The caterpillar lives in a small shelter, spun from a rolled-up leaf, feeding on the leaves of the food plant. It passes the winter in a cocoon, and pupates the following spring at the base of the food plant.
This skipper is single-brooded.

Alpine grasslands
Dry siliceous grasslands
Dry calcareous grasslands
Mesophile grasslands

Similar species:
Pyrgus carthami
Pyrgus alveus
Pyrgus armoricanus
Pyrgus cirsii