Leptidea morsei

Fenton, 1881

Fenton's Wood White

Fenton's Wood White can be seen on damp, grassy vegetation at the sunny edges of woods, in grassy woodland clearings, and on regenerating woodland on grassland. They seem to prefer deciduous woods, but also occur in mixed and coniferous woodland.
Different leguminous plants are used as food plant, including Black Pea (Lathyrus niger), Spring Pea (L. vernus), Meadow Vetchling (L. pratensis), Common Birdsfoot-trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), and vetches (Vicia spp.).
This butterfly is double-brooded and hibernates in the pupal stage.

Mixed woodland
Mesophile grasslands
Coniferous woodland
Humid grasslands
Deciduous forests

Similar species:
Leptidea sinapis complex
Leptidea duponcheli