Polyommatus escheri

(Hübner, 1823)

Escher's Blue

Escher's Blue occurs on dry, and flower-rich grassland, damp rough vegetation, in flower-rich rocky places, on scrub and at woodland edges, and on agricultural land.
The females lay their eggs singly on milk-vetches (Astragalus spp.), in particular A. monspessulanus. Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) may also be a food plant. When still small, the caterpillar goes into hibernation, and in the spring completes its growth, feeding on the leaves and flowerbuds of the food plants. When fully grown, it leaves the food plant and pupates under stones. Both caterpillars and chrysalises are attended by ants.
Escher's Blue is single-brooded.

Dry calcareous grasslands
Phrygana vegetation
Humid grasslands

Similar species:
Plebeius argus
Plebeius idas
Plebeius pylaon
Polyommatus bellargus