Danaus plexippus

(Linnaeus, 1758)


There are only a few populations of the Monarch in Europe and these are in the south. However, in America it is famous for its migration behaviour, and it can even be found as a rare visitor in the coastal areas of North-west Europe. The populations are situated in warm to very warm dry places, such as erosion gullies. The butterfly can also be seen in parks and gardens. The populations are usually small and surrounded by agricultural areas.
In Spain, the eggs are laid on the milkweed Asclepias curassavica, and on the Canary Islands also on the related Bristly-fruited Silkweed (Gomphocarpus fruticosus)
The butterflies breed continually and may have several broods a year.
The use of herbicides and insecticides, and the burning of refuse are threatening them with extinction.

Shrub and grassland
Tree lines and hedges
Fallow land and waste places
Agricultural land

Similar species:
Danaus chrysippus