(Fischer v. Waldheim, 1832)
Zephyr Blue
The Zephyr Blue can be found on open, flower-rich grassland, on rocky slopes and sometimes on scrub or at the edges of woods. The butterflies fly close to the ground and only visit flowers occasionally. The males can be seen in large groups on damp ground.
The females lay their eggs on different species of milk-vetch (Astragalus), such as A. excapus, A. dasyanthus, A. parnassi, A. angustifolius, and A. rumelica. The caterpillars eat the leaves of the food plant and are attended by ants. Also, they often pupate at the entrance of an ant nest.
The Zephyr Blue has one generation a year and passes the winter in the larval stage.
Dry siliceous grasslands
Dry calcareous grasslands
Inland cliffs and exposed rocks
Similar species:
Plebeius argus
Plebeius idas
Plebeius argyrognomon
Polyommatus escheri