(Denis and Schiffermüller, 1775)
Woodland Ringlet
The Woodland Ringlet occurs in many different biotopes. It can be found on damp, flower-rich grasslands and rough vegetation near or in woodland, in marshes, but also on calcareous grasslands. Its food plants are various grasses, such as Purple Moor-grass (Molinea caerulea), fescues (Festuca spp.), Tor-grass (Brachypodium pinnatum), Upright Brome (Bromus erectus), and Wood Millet (Milium effusum), and also sedges (Carex spp.).
The caterpillar is active at night and mostly hibernates when half-grown, but at very high altitudes it may hibernate twice. It pupates in the litter layer, and usually has one generation a year.
Alpine grasslands
Dry calcareous grasslands
Mixed woodland
Mesophile grasslands
Coniferous woodland
Similar species:
Erebia oeme
Erebia alberganus
Erebia polaris