Ghiliani, 1852
Sardinian Meadow Brown
The Sardinian Meadow Brown is mostly found on bushy vegetation with Cistus, on grassland with bushes, in woodland clearings, and in light woodland and near streams. The butterflies often fly close to the ground. Compared to M. jurtina, that occurs in the same habitats, M. nurag is much smaller, and much lighter and more orange-yellow on the upperside of the wings.
After mating, the female does not lay her eggs at once. It takes a few weeks before the eggs are mature, and ready to be laid. The caterpillars live on grasses, including Festuca morisiana, an endemic fescue of Sardinia.
The caterpillars are mainly active at night and continue feeding throughout the winter as long as it does not freeze. The Sardinian Meadow Brown has one generation a year.
Shrub and grassland
Dry calcareous grasslands
Similar species:
Maniola jurtina
Hyponephele lycaon
Pyronia tithonus